quinta-feira, dezembro 23, 2010

Titulos do WoW

Argent Tournament
Neutral_15CrusaderCrusader Exalted com os representantes da Aliança ou da Horda emArgent Tournament e exalted com Argent Crusade. Patch 3.1.0
Alliance_15of Darnassus of Darnassus - Exalted com Darnassus emArgent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Alliance_15of Gnomeregan of Gnomeregan – Exalted com Gnomeregan Exiles no Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Alliance_15of Ironforge of Ironforge – Exalted com Ironforge em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Horde_15of Orgrimmar of Orgrimmar - Exalted com Orgrimmar em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Horde_15of Sen'jin of Sen'jin – Exalted com Sen'jin em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Horde_15of Silvermoon of Silvermoon - Exalted com Silvermoon City em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Alliance_15of Stormwind of Stormwind - Exalted com Stormwind em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Alliance_15of the Exodar of the Exodar - Exalted com Exodar em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Horde_15of the Undercity of the Undercity - Exalted com Undercity em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Horde_15of Thunder Bluff of Thunder Bluff - Exalted com Thunder Bluff em Argent Tournament. Patch 3.1.0
Dungeons e Raids
Neutral_15Argent Defender the Argent Defender - Completando A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity achievement. Patch 3.2.0
Neutral_15Bane of the Fallen King, Bane of the Fallen King – Vencendo o Lich King em Icecrown Citadel em 10-man heroic modePatch 3.3.0
Neutral_15Champion of the Frozen Wastes, Champion of the Frozen Wastes - CompletandoChampion of the Frozen Wastes Achievements . Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Champion of Ulduar, Champion of Ulduar – Vencendo cada um dos boss de Ulduar no normal mode sem que morra qualquer membro durante o período de lock da raid (exceto Algalon the Observer). Patch 3.1.0
Neutral_15Conqueror of Naxxramas, Conqueror of Naxxramas - Participar do realm first kill de Kel'Thuzad (25-player mode) em Naxxramas. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Conqueror of Ulduar, Conqueror of Ulduar - Vencendo cada um dos boss de Ulduar no heroic mode sem que morra qualquer membro durante o período de lock da raid (exceto Algalon the Observer). Patch 3.1.0
Neutral_15Death's Demise, Death's Demise - Participar do realm first kill deYogg-Saron sem a ajuda de em Keepers no heroic mode.Patch 3.1.0
Neutral_15Grand CrusaderGrand Crusader  - Participar do realm first completando A Tribute to Insanity (25 player). Patch 3.2.0
Neutral_15Herald of the Titans, Herald of the Titan - Vencer Algalon the Observerem 10-player mode sem que os membros da raid teham equipado itens com level maior doque os disponíveis em Ulduar 10-player. Patch 3.1.0
Neutral_15Jenkins Jenkins - Matar 50 “rookery whelps” em 15 segundos. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Obsidian SlayerObsidian Slayer  - Participar do realm first  kill  do Sartharion (25-player mode). Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Of the Nightfall of the Nightfall - Completar The Twilight Zoneachievement. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Celestial Defender the Celestial Defender – Participar do realm first kill de Algalon the Observer em heroic mode. Patch 3.1.0
Neutral_15The Immortal the Immortal - Completar The Immortalachievement. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Kingslayer the Kingslayer - Completar The Frozen Throne (10 player) ou The Frozen Throne (25 player). Patch 3.3.0
Neutral_15The Light of Dawn the Light of Dawn – Vencendo o Lich King em Icecrown Citadel em 25-man heroic mode. Patch 3.3.0
Neutral_15The Magic Seeker the Magic Seeker - Participar do realm first  kill de Malygos (25-player mode). Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Undying the Undying - Completar The Undying achievement.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Twilight VanquisherTwilight Vanquisher  - Completar the Heroic: The Twilight Zone achievement. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15ChefChef  - Profissão - Completar Hail to the ChefAchievements (versão Horda). Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15LoremasterLoremaster  - Quests - Completar todas as quests Loremaster de Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland, e Northrend. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15the Patient the Patient - Dungeon e Raids – Usar o LFG (Dungeon tool) para completar “random heroic dungeons” com 50 players randômicos. Patch 3.3.0
Neutral_15SaltySalty Profissão - Completar o Accomplished Anglerachievement. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15the Explorer the Explorer - Exploração – Descobrir todas as zonas de Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Outland e Northrend. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Seeker The Seeker - Quests - Completar 3,000 quests.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15GladiatorGladiator Top 0.5% de arena teams ao final da season. Patch 2.1.2
Neutral_15DuelistDuelist Top 3.0% de arena teams ao final da season. Patch 2.1.2
Neutral_15RivalRival Top 10% de arena teams ao final da season.Patch 2.1.2
Neutral_15ChallengerChallenger Top 35% de arena teams ao final da season. Patch 2.1.2
PvP Achievements
Neutral_15Arena MasterArena Master  – Completar todo o Arena Masterachievements. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15BattlemasterBattlemaster  - Completar todo o Battlemaster(Horde) / Battlemaster (Alliance) achievements. Patch 3.0.2
Horde_15ConquerorConqueror  - Exalted  com Warsong Outriders, Frostwolf Clan e The Defilers. Patch 2.1.0
Alliance_15JusticarJusticar  - Exalted com Silverwing Sentinels, Stormpike Guard e The League of Arathor. Patch 2.1.0
Alliance_15Of the Alliance of the Alliance  - Conseguir 100,000 Honorable Kills. Patch 3.0.2
Horde_15Of the Horde of the Horde  - Conseguir 100,000 Honorable Kills.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15AmbassadorAmbassador  - exalted com as cinco facções. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Bloodsail AdmiralBloodsail Admiral  - Completar Avast Ye, Admiral!.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Guardian of Cenarius Guardian of Cenarius - exalted com Cenarion Circle e Cenarion Expedition. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15of the Ashen Verdict of the Ashen Verdict - exalted com Ashen Verdict. Patch 3.3.0
 of the Shattered Sun of the Shattered Sun – Completar a quest A Magnanimous Benefactor. Patch 2.4.0
Neutral_15The Argent Champion The Argent Champion - exalted com Argent Dawn and e Argent Crusade. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Diplomat The Diplomat - exalted com Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar e the Kurenai / Mag'har. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Exalted The Exalted - Obter 40 reputações exaltedPatch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Insane the Insane - Exalted com Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, Ratchet, Darkmoon Faire, Ravenholdt, Shen'dralar e Honored com Bloodsail Buccaneers. Patch 3.1.0
World Events
Neutral_15BrewmasterBrewmaster  - Completar Brewmaster (Aliança)  ouBrewmaster (Horda) achievements. Patch 3.0.2 
Neutral_15ElderElder  - Completar To Honor One's EldersAchievements para Lunar Festival. Patch 3.0.2
Horde_15Flame KeeperFlame Keeper  - Completar the Flame Keeperachievements para  Midsummer Fire Festival. Patch 3.0.2
Alliance_15Flame WardenFlame Warden  - Completar The Flame Wardenachievements para o Midsummer Fire Festiva. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15MatronMatron  - Completar For The Children achievement.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15MerrymakerMerrymaker Completar Merrymaker (Aliança) ouMerrymaker (Horda) achievement. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Noble the Noble - Completar Noble Gardener (Aliança) ouNoble Gardener (Horda) achievement. Patch 3.1
Neutral_15PatronPatron  - Completar For The Children achievement.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Pilgrim the Pilgrim - Completar Pilgrim (Aliança) ou Pilgrim(Horda) achievement. Patch 3.2
Neutral_15The Hallowed The Hallowed  - Completar Hallowed Be Thy Name(Aliança) ou Hallowed Be Thy Name (Horda) achievements.Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15The Love Fool The Love Fool - Completar Fool For Love (Aliança) ou Fool For Love (Horda) achievement. Patch 3.0.2
PvE Descontinuados
Atualmente, ficou muito fácil de consegui-los então eles foram desativados.
Neutral_15Champion of the Naaru, Champion of the Naaru  - Completar Trials of the NaaruPatch 2.3.0  até Patch 3.0.2 quando foi descontinuado.
Neutral_15Hand of A'dal, Hand of A'dal – Obter um Medallion of Karabor (A Distraction for Akama) e completar The Vials of Eternity(Hyjal). Patch 2.4.0 até Patch 3.0.2  quando foi descontinuado.
Neutral_15Scarab LordScarab Lord  – Completar Scarab LordPatch 2.0.3até Patch 3.0.9  quando foi descontinuado.
Unique to each arena season
Neutral_15VanquisherTop 1,000 overall de arena teams no final do 2009 Arena Tournament. Patch 3.1.1
Neutral_15Relentless GladiatorHighest rated arena team in the Battlegroup no final da arena season 7. Patch 3.2.0
Neutral_15Furious GladiatorHighest rated arena team no Battlegroup no final da arena season 6. Patch 3.1.1
Neutral_15Deadly GladiatorHighest rated arena team no Battlegroup no final da arena season 5. Patch 3.1.0
Neutral_15Brutal GladiatorHighest rated arena team no Battlegroup no final da arena season 4. Patch 3.0.2
Neutral_15Vengeful GladiatorHighest rated arena team no Battlegroup no final da arena season 3. Patch 2.4.2
Neutral_15Merciless GladiatorHighest rated arena team no Battlegroup no final da arena season 2. Patch 2.3.0
Neutral_15GladiatorHighest rated arena team no Battlegroup no final da arena season 1. Patch 2.1.2
Neutral_15Flawless Victor The Flawless Victor – Vencer 10 ranked arena matches com rating acima de 2,000 no level 80. Patch 3.0.2e removido no Patch 3.1.0